{ "english" : { "Mapeate_comun_empezar" : null, "web" : "Web", "principal" : "Principal", "app" : "Implementation", "git" : "Git", "facebook" : "Facebook", "wix" : "Wix", "twitter" : "Twitter", "Mapeate_comun_terminar" : null, "Mapeate_empezar" : null, "mapeate_construyendose" : "The 'Mapeate' app is running...", "mapeate_construido" : "The 'Mapeate' app was completely built.", "cargando_configuracion" : "Loading configuration. ..", "configuracion_cargada" : "The configuration has been completely loaded.", "cargando_terminal_tipos" : "Loading the terminal exit types...", "terminal_tipos_cargados" : "The terminal types have been completely loaded.", "cargando_i18n" : "Loading internationalized texts...", "i18n_cargada" : "The internationalized texts have been completely loaded.", "cargando_vistas" : "The views are loading...", "vistas_cargadas" : "The views were completely loaded.", "construyendo_base" : "The HTML base of the web application structure is being built...", "base_construida" : "The HTML base of the Web Application structure was completely built.", "Mapeate_terminar" : null } }