{ "english" : { "start" : "Start", "settings" : "Settings", "scores" : "Scores", "credits" : "Credits", "paused" : "Pause", "resume" : "Continue", "left_match" : "Abandon", "previous" : "Previous", "next" : "Next", "back" : "Back", "page" : "Page", "save" : "Save", "not_save" : "Don't save", "test_mode" : "Evidence mode", "manual" : "Manual", "sql_exception" : "There was an SQL exception. Please try to contact an administrator.", "session_string_null" : "The String of the session is null.", "session_empty" : "The session is empty.", "session_bad_format" : "The session has a bad format.", "session_id_string_empty" : "The session ID in String format is empty.", "session_id_string_bad" : "The session ID in String format is wrong.", "session_string_incompleted" : "The String of the session is incomplete.", "session_null" : "The session is null.", "session_not_id" : "The session is not an ID.", "session_not_exists" : "The session does not exist.", "session_date_out" : "The session was closed.", "session_timeout" : "The session missed Timeout for forced inactivity.", "session_update_ok" : "The current session was correctly updated.", "session_update_error" : "There was an error with '{code}' code when trying to update the current session. {list}", "mode_null" : "The game mode is zero.", "mode_empty" : "The game mode is empty.", "mode_not_exists" : "The '{mode}' game mode does not exist.", "page_null" : "The page number is zero.", "page_lower_1" : "The page number must be at least 1.", "items_per_page_null" : "The number of items per page is zero.", "items_per_page_lower_1" : "At least one item per page must be displayed.", "nicks_null" : "Nicks's search variable is empty.", "load_scores_error" : "There was an error with '{code}' code when trying to load the '{page}' page scores with '{items_per_page}' elements. {list}", "load_scores_ok" : "The '{page}' page scores with '{items_per_page}' elements were correctly loaded", "nick_null" : "Nick is null.", "nick_empty" : "The Nick given is empty.", "score_null" : "The stitch is null.", "score_lower_0" : "The '{score}' score is less than 0.", "save_scores_error" : "There was an error with '{code}' code when trying to save the new '{score}' score on Nick '{nick}'. {list}", "save_scores_ok" : "The new '{score}' score on the Nick '{nick}' was correctly stored." } }