2024-04-29 19:09:13 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from os.path import dirname as directory_name
from os.path import abspath as path_absolute
from os.path import exists as path_exists
from re import compile as RECompile
from json import loads as json_decode
from time import time as timestamp
from traceback import print_exc as print_trace_exception
from inspect import stack as get_stack
import datetime
re_slashes = RECompile(r'[\/\\\\]+')
re_python_file = RECompile(r'^\/(.+)\.py$')
re_string_variables = RECompile(r'\{([^\{\}]+)\}')
root_path = path_absolute(directory_name(__file__))
slash = '/' if '/' in root_path else '\\'
default_language = ""
class DefaultData:
settings = {
"print_format" : "[{type}] {yyyy}{mm}{dd} {hh}{ii}{dd} [{line}]{file}({method}): {message}"
i18n = {}
language = None
default_language = None
def get_path(file, i = 1):
error = (
1 << 0 if file == None else
1 << 1 if not isinstance(file, str) else
1 << 2 if not file else
path = None
if not error:
path = re_slashes.sub(slash, root_path + file)
if not path_exists(path):
error |= 1 << 3
return (path, error << i)
def load_json(file):
path, error = get_path(file)
json = None
if not error:
with open(path, "r") as data:
json = json_decode(data.read())
error |= (
1 << 0 if json == None else
1 << 1 if not isinstance(json, dict) else
0) << 5
error |= 1 << 0
return json, error
def get_action_data():
stack = get_stack()[2]
return {
"file" : stack.filename,
"method" : stack.function,
"line" : stack.lineno
def _print(_type, string, variables):
own = {
"type" : _type.upper(),
date = datetime.datetime.now()
for key in ("year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"):
k = "i" if key == "minute" else key[0]
own[key] = getattr(date, key)
own[k] = own[key] % 100
own[k + k] = ("00" + str(own[k]))[-2:]
own["yyyy"] = own["year"]
def callback(matches):
key = matches.group(1)
return str(own[key]) if key in own else matches.group(0)
own["message"] = re_string_variables.sub(callback, DefaultData.i18n[DefaultData.language][string] if DefaultData.language and string in DefaultData.i18n[DefaultData.language] else string)
print(re_string_variables.sub(callback, DefaultData.settings["print_format"]))
def load_default_settings(file):
json, error = load_json(file)
if not error:
for key, value in json.items():
DefaultData.settings[key] = value
if key == "language":
DefaultData.language = value
if error:
2024-05-01 13:11:54 +00:00
_print("erro", "load_default_settings_error", {"code" : error, "path" : file})
2024-04-29 19:09:13 +00:00
_print(" ok ", "load_default_settings_ok", {"path" : file})
return error
def load_default_i18n(file):
json, error = load_json(file)
if not error:
for language, sentences in json.items():
if isinstance(sentences, dict):
if language not in DefaultData.i18n:
DefaultData.i18n[language] = {}
if DefaultData.language == None:
DefaultData.language = language
for key, sentence in sentences.items():
DefaultData.i18n[language][key] = sentence
if error:
2024-05-01 13:11:54 +00:00
_print("erro", "load_default_i18n_error", {"code" : error, "path" : file})
2024-04-29 19:09:13 +00:00
_print(" ok ", "load_default_i18n_ok", {"path" : file})
return error
def compile_file(file):
path, error = get_path(file)
if not error:
with open(path, "rb") as data:
exec(compile(data.read(), re_python_file.sub(r'\1', file), "exec"), globals())
error |= 1 << 0
if error:
2024-05-01 13:11:54 +00:00
_print("erro", "compile_file_error", {"code" : error, "path" : file})
2024-04-29 19:09:13 +00:00
_print(" ok ", "compile_file_ok", {"path" : file})
return error
def get_time(_from):
return round((timestamp() - _from) * 1000, 4)
for language in ("english", "espanol", "galego", "nihongo", "russkiy"):
load_default_i18n("/../JSON/I18N/MemWeb.py.i18n." + language + ".json")
for fragment in ("", ".secrets"):
load_default_settings("/../JSON/MemWeb.py.settings" + fragment + ".json")